All of us have a borne. the day we borned we called it as " BIRTH DAY ". Since borne little human creature called as baby. This baby wants more things. mainly he or she want feed and warm to alnce his new life with this enviroment. and he want affection love safety as well as say his or her feelings.
The new borne creature don't know any thing about this world. and his growth not enough to handdle this life himself.
In simply if he feel hungry he dont know how to eat. he can't eat even a single cherry fruite.
what do you think about this
Baby have nothing to feed can't eat alone.
Baby can't walk.
Baby haven't dress & can,t dress......................
So every thing baby needs have to supply by parents or guardian.
Finaly I say again Baby have nothing He cant do any thing. SO BABY IS THE REAL BEGGAR IN THIS WORLD.
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