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Is cat brings unfortunate to you ??

cats.... what do you think about cats ? .in some countries in asia there are no chance to be good animal to cat. most people in sri lanka also consider cat brings unfortunate to human being. If a cat met in front of journey they believe there a chance for happening wrong things during journey like accidents lost of money or pocket. if they heard a noise of cat crying they try to find it and even at night and punish cats by hitting or
Sri lankan actress model sheshadri wedding day photo collection
Do you know about this real beggar

All of us have a borne. the day we borned we called it as " BIRTH DAY ". Since borne little human creature called as baby. This baby wants more things. mainly he or she want feed and warm to alnce his new life with this enviroment. and he want affection love safety as well as say his or her feelings.
The new borne creature don't know any thing about this world. and his growth not enough to handdle this life himself.
In simply if he feel hungry he dont know how to eat. he can't eat even a single cherry fruite.
what do you think about this
water controlling for dengue controll

As we know dengue fever is a common epidemilogical problem in asia. The same influence has to sri lanka also. More than 30000 patients reported in last year.and some are died due to low of platelet count. the major cause for controling dengue is minimizing of mosquito breeding places.As we know in asia most common sourses for breedings are made by humans. they make containers daily for supporting mosquitos. Tins,empty yoghut cups, polythine bags, abandon plastics ,as well...
Public health inspectors have more attention for against this active and passive